The CEO of ConocoPhillips, Ryan Lance, met with Qatar’s Minister of Energy and Industry and Chairman of Qatar Petroleum (QP), Muhammad al-Sada, on 24 March. Despite divestments over the past few years – Qatargas 3 is the only ConocoPhillips operation of note left in the Gulf – the company is looking to possibly expand its Qatar footprint.
A QP official tells MEES that there is still open exploration acreage in Qatar, though it is of questionable potential: “A lot of Qatar and Qatari waters have been explored more than once before, so exploration is generally about applying the latest technology to look for what was missed before, or at deeper horizons.” ConocoPhillips is conducting seismic surveys on behalf of QP at QP’s 25,000 b/d Maydan Mahzam field, and is set to complete its proposal for Maydan Mahzam development this year. It hopes that this sort of service contract will cement its relationship with QP in the lead up to future concession negotiations. (CONTINUED - 341 WORDS)