Italian firm Edison is hoping to follow in the footsteps of compatriot Eni’s Zohr discovery. It is closely examining 3D seismic shots at its North Port Fouad block, just 4km to the east of the Zohr discovery well, as well as the North Thekah block immediately to the south. Both are split 50:50 with Irish independent Petroceltic, with Edison operator, and abut the maritime border with Israel (see map above).
North Port Fouad was awarded in EGAS’ 2014 bid round and North Thekah in 2013 bidding, while the firm snapped up the neighboring Northeast Hapy license in the latest bidround (MEES, 9 October). It also has the Israeli Neta and Royee licenses immediately to the east of its Egyptian offshore acreage. (CONTINUED - 521 WORDS)