Adnoc is reviving one of its oldest gas plays, Ras Al Sadr, which it is developing alongside Japan’s Inpex. In a 16 May announcement, Adnoc says production has now begun from the field and will ramp up to full capacity of 100mn cfd by 2026.

Ras Al Sadr is located 45km northeast of Abu Dhabi City within the Onshore 4 exploration block that was awarded to Inpex in March 2019 (MEES, 22 March 2019). Adnoc announced at the time that “the block’s proximity to the onshore oil producing fields of Al Dabb’iya and Rumaitha as well as the offshore field of Umm Al Dalkh, suggests it has very promising potential,” and also flagged up that the Ras Sadr-1 well had been completed there in April 1951. (CONTINUED - 555 WORDS)