Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman says Aramco has made a number of recent oil and gas discoveries in Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter. In a 1 July announcement, Prince Abdulaziz says that Aramco has discovered “two unconventional oil fields, a reservoir of light Arabian oil, two natural gas fields, and two natural gas reservoirs.”

The two unconventional oil fields are the Al-Ladam and Al-Furooq discoveries, both of which are in Eastern Province. According to the Ministry of Energy, the Ladam-2 well flowed at a rate of 5,100 b/d and 4.9mn cfd, while the Al-Furooq-4 well flowed at 4,557 b/d and 3.79mn cfd. Both produced Arab Extra Light crude. (CONTINUED - 348 WORDS)