A key gas debottlenecking project in southern Oman is set to enter service. Operator OQ Gas Networks (OQGN) says it will inaugurate the $200mn Saib project on 26 August. The project involves the construction of 208km of 32” pipeline in two loops connecting Habara, near the Nimr compressor station, to Raysut in the southern city of Salalah.

The new pipeline runs alongside the existing 24” lines and will increase the southern governorate’s small network capacity from 10mn m3/d (350mn cfd) to 16mn m3/d (565mn cfd). By comparison, gas transported via OQGN’s entire network hit 21.2bcm m3/d (2.05bn cfd) for 1H 2024, up 9% year-on-year. (CONTINUED - 202 WORDS)