The region of Neom is one of the most prominent symbols of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. First announced by Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman in 2017 as “the land of the future, where great minds and talents can create ground-breaking ideas and think outside the box,” Saudi Arabia is investing billions into developing the region on its north-western coast.

Satellite imagery shows a hive of activity, with construction clearly stepping up over the past year. Key contracts are being awarded, including a recent $1bn contract for the development of Terminal 1 of the ‘Port of Neom’ at Duba. However, the viability of some of Neom’s most audacious goals, such as a 170km long, 500-meter high “mirrored architectural masterpiece” (The Line), has been questioned by many, and Bloomberg reports that Neom is expected to be allocated 20% less than its targeted budget for this year. What is undeniable is that the government’s desire to build a radically new city continues to attract attention around the globe. (CONTINUED - 2098 WORDS)