Sharjah-based Crescent Petroleum is planning to award a 3D seismic contract for its Khashim al-Ahmar/Injana block in Diyala province. An industry source tells MEES that the company has made good progress in recent months after completing de-mining work and is currently conducting surveys to begin civil works at the site. The award must be approved by Iraq’s oil ministry and an announcement is expected next month.

The seismic work is intended to help Crescent achieve its existing target of up to 250mn cfd early production from Khasim al-Ahmar/Injana (MEES, 20 October 2023), Gas will be crucial for power provision in Diyala, feeding the nearby 1GW gas-fired Mansuriya plant. Subsequent phases would take output to 400mn cfd. The Emirati firm has been able to commence work at the block given that it is relatively distant from disputed areas with Iraqi Kurdistan, unlike its adjacent Gilabat-Qamar block where security provision remains challenging (MEES, 30 August). (CONTINUED - 153 WORDS)