State energy firm OQ has broken ground on a $124mn strategic fuel storage project at Salalah in the southern governorate of Dhofar.  With a 110,000m3 capacity, the facility will store gasoline, gasoil and jet fuel intended to secure a 30-day supply to the region. It will be located in the Salalah Free Zone and receive oil through pipeline from the Salalah Port. Construction of the project is expected to take 36 months, implying 3Q 2027 completion.

During the 26 August groundbreaking ceremony, Energy Minsiter Salim Al-Aufi labelled it “a significant step in reinforcing Oman’s strategic fuel reserves, ensuring the availability of essential products, and securing supplies during emergencies. This development is crucial in guaranteeing our petroleum product needs are met.” (CONTINUED - 118 WORDS)