Iraq is courting investors by re-offering unawarded gas blocks from its recent licensing round in May (MEES, 17 May). In a bid to sweeten the deal, oil minister Hayan Abdulghani and an accompanying team of senior executives pitched “integrated projects” to their American hosts in Houston this week. With security a major challenge, particularly in western and northern areas where nine of the remaining fifteen blocks are located (MEES, 6 September), Baghdad is hoping improved contractual terms and expanded offerings could pique some interest.

Mr Abdulghani’s visit began with an extended meeting on 9 September attended by the US Departments of State and Energy in addition to company executives and representatives from the US Chamber of Commerce hosted by the Baker Institute at Rice University. The Iraqi team included officials from the Ministry of Electricity, the prime minister’s office and the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR). (CONTINUED - 844 WORDS)