Clean energy accounted for 27.83% of the UAE’s power generation last year according to Minister of Energy Suhail al-Mazrouei, as the country fast closes in on its target of 32% by 2030. Recent gains have been driven by the 5.6GW Barakah nuclear power plant, where the fourth and final 1.4GW unit started up on 5 September. This will have pushed clean energy’s share of the total well above 30%.

Mr Mazrouei was speaking to state news agency WAM on 15 September ahead of the World Utilities Congress in Abu Dhabi, where the UAE sought to highlight efforts to decarbonize its utilities sector. MEES calculates that power generation capacity across the UAE’s seven emirates currently stands at 50GW, of which clean energy now accounts for 11.2GW, or 22.2% of the total. (CONTINUED - 1710 WORDS)