Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has called upon Baghdad to allow it a larger say in drafting the country’s federal budget and ensure that public sector salaries in the region are paid in full for 2025 after delays in 2024. The calls came at an extraordinary 11 January meeting which grouped KRG ministers with Kurdish members of the Federal cabinet and Iraqi Parliament and comes after the Federal finance ministry delayed payment of December salaries, justifying its move by the non-receipt of what it sees as the KRG’s share of revenues to the Federal budget.

Since the crude oil export pipeline to Tukey which Kurdistan had long relied on for oil exports and revenues was shut in March 2023, the KRG has relied on intermittent public salary-related transfers from Baghdad to avoid financial meltdown. Such payments became more reliable last year, but KRG PM Masoud Barzani called the latest delay “unjust” and alleged that it violates the constitution. (CONTINUED - 445 WORDS)