Israel’s second largest gas field, 14tcf Tamar, which vies with the larger Leviathan as the country’s top producer, was taken offline between 27 May and 5 June.

While domestic flows and exports to neighboring Jordan were not impacted, it was Egypt that suffered during that ten-day turnaround with Cairo slashing gas deliveries to fertilizer and petrochemicals plants and imposing additional blackouts on domestic power customers. Egypt deliveries accounted for a third (319mn cfd) of Tamar’s 1.025bn cfd Q1 output (MEES, 31 May). With Israel-Egypt deliveries falling by a substantially higher 500mn cfd during the outage period, it appears that Chevron – which operates both Leviathan and Tamar – diverted some volumes from the larger field to the domestic market to make up for lost Tamar supplies. (CONTINUED - 1846 WORDS)