The Hoegh Galleon FSRU, which arrived at Egypt’s Red Sea port of Ain Sukhna in mid-June (MEES, 21 June), this week received its first two LNG cargoes under a 20-cargo tender awarded last week.

The ‘Hellas Athina’ delivered 73,000 tons from the US Freeport LNG terminal on behalf of Trafigura on 1 July, whilst the ‘Gaslog Global Hong Kong’ was set to unload a second 74,000 ton cargo as MEES went to press. This was delivered by TotalEnergies from a second US terminal, Sabine Pass. Both firms were amongst the winners of the tender from Egypt’s state gas firm EGAS for Q3 deliveries as Cairo looks to plug a gaping hole in its gas balance in a bid to halt power cuts (MEES, 5 July & MEES, 28 June).  (CONTINUED - 271 WORDS)