*Algeria has ambitious plans to hike gas exports from 52bcm for 2023 to 100bcm over the medium-term. Nearer term, a landmark deal with Italy pledged a 9bcm/y boost in piped deliveries to Algeria’s key customer, to an implied 30bcm for 2024 (MEES, 15 April 2022). But though piped Algeria-Italy volumes rose from 2021’s baseline figure of 21.2bcm to a 12-year high 23.6bcm for 2022 (MEES, 6 January 2023), they fell back to 23.0bcm for 2023.

*Latest data from Italian gas network operator Snam shows a further fall for the first half of 2024 with deliveries via the 33.5bcm/y-capacity TransMed pipeline down 5.6% at 10.74bcm, the lowest first half figure since 2020 (see chart 1). (CONTINUED - 614 WORDS)