Having in 2022 drilled its first offshore exploration well outside the Neutral Zone since the 1980s, Kuwait has high hopes of unlocking a new hydrocarbon frontier. The Nokhetha-1 well proved a success and Kuwait hopes for the offshore to yield 150,000 b/d of oil and 150mn cfd gas as part of the petroleum sector’s 2040 strategy, which entails nationwide capacity of 4mn b/d by 2035.

Nokhetha-1 was the first well of Kuwait Oil Company’s (KOC) six-well offshore drilling campaign, which is due to be completed by end-2026. In order to further firm up its understanding of the offshore petroleum systems, KOC says it intends to conduct a 3D seismic survey across its offshore territory and to undertake a second drilling campaign consisting of six-to-nine wells. (CONTINUED - 798 WORDS)