Qatar state power firm QEWC is to begin construction of a 500MW single cycle gas fired power plant at Ras Abu Fontas following the 26 February signing of a power purchase agreement with state offtaker Qatar Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa). Kahramaa says the project will cost $440mn and come online in January 2027, though the unit, which is less efficient than the 9GW of CCGTs that dominate Qatar’s current 11.4GW power fleet, will be used only intermittently to meet peak power demand.
In a further boost to baseload capacity, QEWC is adding the 2.4GW Ras Abu Fontas Facility E CCGT in partnership with Japan’s Sumitomo and Shikoku Electric for 1H 2028 start-up and full capacity by 1H 2029 (MEES, 14 February). (CONTINUED - 119 WORDS)