The transformation of Abu Dhabi’s power mix continued apace last year, as the start-up of the Barakah nuclear power plant’s fourth and final unit propelled low-carbon power generation to new highs. This year is shaping up to be a quieter one, with no new low-carbon capacity additions due online until the second half of 2026. But Abu Dhabi’s clean energy ambitions show no signs of abating, with a steady pipeline of new projects set to come online from 2026 onwards.
Low-carbon plants generated a record 45.9TWh of electricity last year. This accounted for 42.3% of total electricity across state-offtaker Ewec’s network, up from less than 1% in 2018 (see chart 1). Of this, the 5.6GW Barakah plant accounted for a massive 39TWh, making it by far the largest contributor to the power mix last year with a 36% share just by itself. (CONTINUED - 788 WORDS)